The Criterion Collection is an American video-distribution company that specializes in licensing important classic and contemporary films and selling them to film aficionados. Cohen Film Collection: The Rohauer Library is a world-renowned collection of rare movie classics. Long acclaimed for its immensity and entertainment value, this esteemed collection of over 700 titles spans 75 years of the cinema’s most dynamic eras. Blu-ray. The Warner Archive Collection is a manufactured-on-demand (MOD) DVD series started by Warner Home Video on March 23, 2009, with the intention of putting previously unreleased catalog films on DVD for the first time. In November 2012, Warner announced that the Archive collection would begin releasing some titles on Blu-ray, with all discs being pressed, unlike the DVD series. All Movies here are remastered from 2KDI or 4KDI or restored in some way.